School Uniform

BOYS School Uniform

Navy sweatshirt

White polo shirt

Grey trousers

Black sensible outdoor shoes

Outdoor coat suitable for playing out in variable weather conditions

Optional Grey shorts for Summer

Bramham Primary School Embroidered Sweatshirt

GIRLS School Uniform

Navy Blue sweatshirt or sweat-cardigan

White polo shirt

Grey skirt or pinafore dress or trousers

Sensible black outdoor shoes

Outdoor coat

Optional Summer Dress – light blue gingham

For PE

Black or dark blue shorts. A T-shirt in the allocated house colour can be purchased from school for £2. Trainers plus football boots and shin pads in upper KS2.


General School Uniform Policy

  • Hair bands and hair clips if worn should be small and appropriate for school.
  • Earrings should be studs and removed or taped for PE (tape available from the office).
  • Shirts should be tucked into trousers / skirts at all times
  • Nail polish is not allowed in school
  • Girls can wear either grey trousers or skirts, but skirts must be an appropriate length so that they can maintain decency when sitting cross legged on the floor.
  • Girls are permitted to wear plain white / grey socks these must be ankle or knee socks. The over the knee socks are not allowed. Tights must be plain grey or black (No patterns or colours).


Your child will need a book bag

These are essential for getting messages and reading books home

Please ensure that all items are marked with the child’s name. 

Bramham Primary School Embroidered Bookbag

Branded items can be found here however it is acceptable to wear non-branded versions that are widely available